Sunday, August 28, 2011

Twin Infant Confessions

My mom just left after spending a glorious 3 weeks here with me.

Kayla has turned out to be a fabulous helpful big sister.
The night before last I experienced a state of delirium I have never before reached. After falling asleep at about 1:15 AM, I was awaken by the cries of two infants coming from the crib.  I drug my body out of bed and picked up a baby. When I sat down, my head fell against the back of the chair and I fell asleep. When I woke up, the baby (still not sure who it was) was asleep on my lap. I woke up Sean and asked him to put the baby back and hand me the next one. "Is he fed?" Sean asked. I looked at him with my zombie face and replied "I have no idea." I really had no recollection as to whether or not I fed him. The rest of the night played out the same way. I would feed them for 5 minutes and then think they ate for 20 minutes. So out of it. And then I wondered why they were awake all night crying every 15 minutes. The poor little ravenous babies.

Here are a few things I have learned the past 3 and a half weeks as a mom to twin infants:
1. Feed, change, burp, repeat, and then take care of my preschooler's needs in between. That is my day.
2. There is no way I can hold each baby as much as I held Kayla. And I have come to terms with that.
3. Many times I have to choose between eating and showering... most of the time I choose a shower.
4. It's official, not all my kids will sleep like Kayla slept as a newborn. Dangit.
5. Identical twins does NOT mean identical spirits. These boys are already very unique.
6. Binkies are my new best friend.
7. Boys pee a lot. And they can aim.
8. Not to underestimate the importance of my relationship with my husband.
9. I have learned not to sweat the small stuff. There is enough to think about with twins, the rest just let it go and take a deep breath.
10. Last of all, I have learned that I do indeed have it in me to adore three children completely equally. And I do.


Sarie said...

Love this post, Hannah! Lovely photos. Love the one of mom with the boys!!!!

Melanye said...

You are an amazing woman, Hannah! I love getting to know your sweet babes through your posts!

ShaRene Knox said...

Hang in there! Those photos are so adorable. I love the ones where they are facing and touching each other. So beautiful!

Alison said...

You are doing an amazing job, Hannah! AMAZING!!

Joel and Becky said...

I LOVE your 10 things you've learned!! You are wise and wonderful!! You are going to teach me a lot :)

The Vickrey's said...

Love all of it....Im so thankful for blogs. The boys are darling! Your a great Mommy!