Friday, September 30, 2011

Grandparents and Stuff

Kayla and her great grandparents
Kicking back in the dunebuggy
Real smiles, Brody was not so generous for the photo
(below) my beautiful daughter
On Tuesday, my grandparents were in town. They are really special people to me. When I see them, a plethora of memories come to my mind: The chaos of the annual family reunion when Grandma and Grandpa host somewhere near fifty people, consisting of many small children. Night time at the reunion was a sea of sleeping bags with cousins sprawled from corner to corner of every room. The smell of Grandma's blackberry cobbler. Finding huckleberry bushes. Big swings that my grandpa loves to build, they would hang from the huge trees on his property, I always felt like I was flying. Watching The Goonies. Taking dune buggy rides. I loved the feeling of the wind across my face during the rides, I was secretly a little nervous and would close my eyes when we would cross a bridge or go fast on a narrow trail. There are so many memories attached to these two that I just love. But most important to me are their hugs. Every time I see them they give that same familiar hug, the kind I never have to doubt they love me.

Update on Twins and Kayla: Twins are SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!! They started sleeping 7-8 hours at a time at about 6 weeks.... thanking my lucky stars! Kayla is loving preschool and seems to be bursting with confidence. I could ask for nothing more.

These three kids of mine keep me busy. Even as I am typing this, I have three kids dripping off of me, therefore, this post is done....


Sarie said...

I love all the photos! Especially the one of Kayla at the bottom! Wow, beautiful! I also love the familiar hugs of Grandpa and Grandma. Hopefully you didn't close your eyes on the dunebuggy when you were DRIVING it!! :) xoxo

Joel and Becky said...

Super Awesome Hannah! LOVED all your recent posts! You are a total super star! Love the pics!! And...that is SO awesome that your babies started sleeping so great!! Ahhhh... :) Way to go!