Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blessing Day

 I thought that the photo above was funny because it paints a clear picture of a scene from my day: playing with Kayla on the floor with one hand, soothing and binking babies with the other hand and, of course, my trusty Diet Dr Pepper. Thank goodness for caffeine!
 My side of the family in attendance.
 Sean's side of the family in attendance (there were way more but they left before I was able to rally everyone for a photo)
The twins had their baby blessing on Sunday. It is sort of like a prayer that the father says asking for blessings specific to that child, sort of a welcome to the world. The blessings were absolutely beautiful. Each one was individual and so special. While listening to the blessings, I had a really strong feeling that our sons will do great things. I believe these tiny babies will make great men one day.

My parents took the 1000 mile drive home and I miss them like crazy. It was great to see them. I love them so much.

The twins are starting to coo and squeal when they smile. McKay is super sensitive. When he is getting his diaper changed he will randomly get super freaked out, yet he is so laid back in other ways. He loves to smile, and yes, he completely steals my heart every time. We call him "The Judge" because he always has a furrowed brow and looks deep in thought. Brody is super observant. He looks and looks at objects and stares at my face. He is a little more selective with his smiles but when he smiles, it's ADORABLE! They had their 2 month check up last week and they are 10 lbs 11 oz, and that goes for both! Yep, born a pound apart, they are now the same weight! They have nearly doubled their birth weight already. And today I switched out all the 0-3 month outfits for the 3-6 month outfits.... keep in mind Sean is a very tall guy. 10 weeks and already wearing size 6 mo!

As far as me, well I am settling in to my new life as a mom of 3. I don't even think the phrase "enjoying it" really does it justice, I am relishing in pure happiness. Even when the cries of the 4 AM feeding wakes me up, my heart is full when I hold those little babies in my arms in pure silence. I wish they stayed little longer, I love those little bobble heads!

1 comment:

Solana said...

Sorry I missed the blessing but so glad you were surrounded by so much family and had such a great experience.