Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Leg Warmers X 4

 Yeah, those are leg warmers for BOYS! I think it's the greatest invention since the light bulb really. I mean leg warmers that make it so I can see the shape of those eatable little legs? So awesome.

 A lot of people ask me how everything is going with the twins. I answer that it's awesome. And they look at me suspiciously. But seriously, I am loving it. Sure, there are times when I am trying to nurse one baby and the other one is screaming while I try and bounce or rock him with my foot. But 90% of the time I am bombarded with happy smiles and cooing. They are learning about this strange world they have suddenly arrived in. I just love these guys, I love them so much. Having these guys gives me a little glimpse of heaven on a daily basis.

Ask me again when they are 2 though.... I might need to refer to this post often by then!!

 Had a play group at the park today. It's the end of October and it's sunny and 60 degrees, I am loving it!
Kayla and I have been talking a lot about our environment and ways we can keep it clean. We decided we will go as a family with gloves and garbage bags and pick up litter one day this week. So at the park, she wanted to share with another adult the plan to pick up litter, only this is how it came out:

"Um, me and my mommy and Daddy and Bothers are gonna go garbage canning." She shot me a glance, not sure how it was supposed to come out.

I helped her explain the plan again so the other mom didn't think we were planning to go dumpster diving this week!

The last photo is Kayla borrowing my backpack (which is borrowed from my brother anyway) to take her show and tell to preschool. Look at the size of that thing! The greatest part about it: the show and tell item is a tiny mermaid small enough to fit in her pocket.


Widdisons said...

Oh my goodness, they are so dang cute! And Kayla is such a pretty little girl. So fun!

Erica said...

Such a cute family :)

Unknown said...

Your kids are so freakin cute!! I need to come see these 2 little guys! Miss you and good luck on NCLEX(don't you take it soon??)


LCO's said...

Ok, I am doing leg warmers! My sister in law has the cutest ones that she uses from old socks and clothes that are to small, she also knits her own but she has all girls so I've never seen them on boys, I'm in love. I remember at each age I would say that it was my favorite age, I have a feeling that every step of the way will be your favorite too. Your such a cute mommy and you inspire me with your ability to handle so much on your plate. Keep posting pics of those boys cuz I can't get enought!