Friday, February 3, 2012

The Secret to Sanity With 6 month old Twins....

I am finally back in to the swing of blogging. We have our own little place, an internet connection and a busy life. Perfect combination!
Sometimes when I look at what I do, I can't believe I do it. I am often asked "How do you do it? Twins and working?" My basic answer is "well, we just do it. And it somehow works out." But I really have a secret to survival handling twins and a 5 year old. I wake up every morning (when I am working the home shift) and I think to myself "Okay, today, I am giving 100% concentration to the needs of the kids, I may not have time to do anything at all for myself, and that's okay." Then any free time that may come up is a BONUS! So, there it is, my secret to daily success caring for two babies. Of course, success is relative, but I consider a successful day one that I still have energy left over at the end of the day and I am still sane!


becky rigby said...

Hannah, you are so dang cute. Your amazing personality is what is going to get you through anything. You're an example to me.

LCO's said...

I'm so happy for you Hannah! i know you've been looking forward to a new place for awhile. All your goals have worked out, you are amazing. I love looking at pictures of those cute babies!