Monday, May 14, 2012

The Desert

This weekend we went on a little road trip to the desert. It was awesome. Among our adventures were visiting Zion National Park, jumping in to a river with our clothes on, a little hiking, a little shopping, and a lot of fun.
I feel so blessed. As we came in to town this Mother's Day evening, I felt tired and annoyed that I have to get up for work tomorrow. But when I tucked the last little munchkin in to bed this evening, I looked at all of them sleeping. Sometimes being a mom is really hard. Often I don't feel I can muster up even an ounce of energy after I come home from work. But I am tellin' ya, every sleep deprived second is worth it for the unlimited hugs and kisses I receive on a daily basis.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I am with ya on the sleepless nights! Hope the new job is going well! Email or text me your new address so I can mail you our announcement:)