Monday, June 18, 2012

Today's Change of Plans

Our Father's Day was full of surprises. For the past week, I thought I was working the night shift tonight. Our plan was to go to the first hour of church, come home and I would make an awesome french toast breakfast for everyone.
Our plans were smooshed when Sean looked on the calendar Saturday morning and noticed that I worked the day shift (6 am to 7 PM). It was realized that Sean would be staying home all day alone with the kids. I felt horrible. Yesterday, I ordered his favorite pizza and had it delivered at lunch time. Sean had a great attitude about the whole situation and made it a point not to make me feel bad about working that day.
After a long and very busy day at work, I called Sean on the way home. He started by telling me how much he appreciated the lunch, then followed up by laughing about the boys trying to catch the particles in the air as the evening son shone through the window. Kayla had showered him in Father's Day kisses and proudly presented him with the gift that SHE helped pick out for him. The babies crawled all over him with giggles and those infamous drool-soaked kisses. It was a day the kids celebrated Dad, all on their own.
I somehow believe that the Father's Day situation worked out the way it was meant to.
How could I have ever known when I was hanging out with this rad guy who liked hiking and snowboarding like I do? He turned out to be the perfect dad. That dad that smiles at his kids with so much love. The one who makes me so mad because he is supposed to be putting Kayla to bed and all I hear is hysterical laughing from the other room. He really doesn't know just how amazing he is.
Thanks for all you do Sean. You are an amazing person. Amazing Father. By best friend.

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