Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Kayla has been excited about losing a tooth for about three years now and it has finally happened. There was a loud yell from the bathtub this evening.
"Om, ook at my ooth!" Kayla showed me her loose tooth as she tried to form words without closing her mouth. The tooth was hanging by a thread. I asked to pull the tooth and she nodded with really wide eyes. I popped the tooth out and we got really REALLY excited about it together. She called her cousins right away to tell them the good news. We took some photos, put the tooth in a baggy, wrapped it in a little colorful dish towel and tucked it under her pillow. She was so excited for bedtime. She rushed her bedtime routine and snuggled in to bed by 7. Well, it's now 10:25 PM and she can't sleep because she is soooo excited for the tooth fairy.
I love the magic of childhood. This evening I thought about how lucky I am to live that magic as a parent. This kiddo is my bestie. We just love the heck out of her. I keep waiting for her to stop growing up and just freeze in all her cuteness. But alas, she keeps growing!

1 comment:

miriam said...

Oh man I can imagine the elation. Kayla!!!