Sunday, July 15, 2012

Crib to Art Table: Repurposing

 I do not..repeat, do NOT... consider myself a crafty person. However, my current interest in repurposing things that would normally be thrown away has brought me to this: crib to art table.
I found one on Pinterest and decided to give it a shot after I decided the crib just wasn't safe enough to put little Brodester in anymore. Click here for the how to. I painted the desk part of it with chalk board paint and it's a big hit. This keeps Kayla and her friends busy for hours.
I have decided to do some repurposing this year. It's my way of taking care of our mother earth. I created a page which is listed at the top of my blog page. Enjoy....I know I will!! :)


Katie said...

That is such an awesome idea Hannah! I always see cool stuff on pinterest but to date I've only done one thing. Ha ha. Way to go for actually doing something so cool! I should try and be more like you :)

Katie said...

shoot sorry that was me that left that comment above. :)

Katie Medley

Joel and Becky said...

That is SOOOOOOOOO Awesome! What an ingenius idea!