Thursday, September 8, 2011


Kayla: I am the big sister... la la la
 McKay: Um... did you see what mom just dressed us in? Dino's are so 2010!
 Brody: Act natural McKay, you look guilty!
McKay: No, I am just being stealth.....
 McKay: See if I turn up my mouth like this, mom doesn't suspect a thing. She thinks I am smiling!
Brody: Haha, you got her McKay. I will just keep this super cute little baby look on my face.
 Brody: Okay, I think I am gonna be sick.
McKay: That is very interesting brother, I will ponder on that comment for a bit.
 Brody: Oh man, my belly hurts. What did mom eat today??
McKay: Hm, I didn't notice a thing.
 Brody: Oooohhh no! I think I am gonna toot.
McKay: Just let it out. You are okay, just let it out.
 McKay: I guess she did eat something weird, I think I may be throwing up but I am not sure.
Brody: You are nasty McKay, couldn't you have thrown up on Mom instead!
 McKay: Oh my gosh, did you hear the tenth anniversary of 9-11 is on Sunday?
Brody: 9-11? What's that?
 McKay: Well, um. Something happened that we will learn about when we are bigger.
Brody: Oh. Okay.
McKay: But I think what happened was sad.
Brody: It's okay brother, here, I will give you a kiss.


LuCDay said...

They are adorable Hannah!
Have you seen this youtube movie?
Your post reminded me of it, so cute. :o)

alicia bott said...

cutest baby comic ever! love you guys:)

Sarie said...

I was laughing out loud!!!! I love it! I can't wait to see them next week, Hannie!!!!! ( I especially love the one with the puking).

Mark and JanaRae said...

Love the pictures and the commentary. Congrats again on the twins. They are darling!

Alison said...

Super cute!!!

Joel and Becky said...

Kayla is a darling big sister and your boys are absolutely adorable!!

Widdisons said...

So cute!

The Vickrey's said...

oh my had me rolling..too funny! those little guys are too cute!!!

Jannifer said...

The boys are so adorable! Love the pictures. :)