Friday, September 23, 2011

Feel Sorry? No.

Today we went on a long drive and visited some outlet stores to get Kayla some clothes for the cooler weather. I sat on a bench with the babies in a Moby wrap (as pictured above) while Sean played with Kayla on the playground. A woman who was there with her grandchildren turned to me with a look of pity and said "Oh, I feel sorry for you!" I smiled and said "Why do you feel sorry for me?" She replied "You have Twins!" I laughed and said "Oh you should not feel sorry for me at all. Look at them. They are a blessing from heaven. You should not feel sorry for me, you should envy me." The woman was not sure how to respond but we continued to chat.
Seriously, twins are a lot of work, make no mistake about that. But make no mistake that there is no sympathy speech needed. I have never been happier and felt so blessed in my life.
I love each of my three children. I have never known sleep deprivation as I now know it. I have never known struggling to make it anywhere on time. I have never known a need for caffeine as I now know it.
Each are such individual little beings sent to me from Heaven. How could I be so fortunate to know them and have this opportunity to raise them? So lucky, in so many ways am I.

Here are some really great Kayla Vocabulary words lately:
Mine's: Mommy, Mine's is locked, mine's door is locked.
Feeled: I feeled the pan and it wasn't hot.
Eated: I eated all of it.

I just don't have the heart to correct her, it's so cute. She is such a confident little thing!

Oh AND my degree is finally posted. I have to take boards in a few weeks and I will be a RN!! So excited:)


Sarie said...

I love your new banner on top of your blog! And I LOVE the photos of Kayla and her brothers. You deserve the degree and to finally be an RN. You have worked so hard. Love you, Han!!

Casey and Tessa said...

You have the most beautiful little family! So happy for you. You are an amazing photographer! I love that you catch "real" moments. I want you to take pictures of futures little ones someday. :)

Walker Fam said...

I used the moby wrap with Samson- LOVE it! It is SO great. I would use it to do skin to skin with him too- it worked like a shirt basically because it has so much material. I am so glad you are using one! They are the best! PS can't believe a lady said that to you. That is not even cool! :) (and I liked your comback)

LCO's said...

I agree, and I totally envy you. I can't get enough pictures of those two boys! You aren't far behind at all for your boards, that was really fast! I can't believe you did all those stupid computer tests this soon rock on girlie!