Saturday, October 15, 2011


Thursday was "Bb" day at preschool. The kids all wore black and learned about the color black and the letter B. When I got her ready for school, I asked Kayla if she wanted to do a photo shoot outside. She enthusiastically agreed. She chose every spot, every pose and she didn't want the photo shoot to end. In my opinion, she liked the rock star status!

This weekend has been great so far. Last night we had a camp fire. We roasted hotdogs and made smores. It was absolutely lovely. Today we decided to stay home instead of going out like we normally do. We cleaned, held babies, and talked. Sometimes it's nice to do that!
This is a conversation I had with Kayla the other day:
Kayla: Mom I don't want to do preschool anymore
Me: Oh really. Why is that?
Kayla: Because I want to do KID-A-GARDEN.

Too bad she has to wait till August but I love how she thinks it's pronounced!

And yesterday I heard Kayla getting frustrated over trying to get something apart.
Me: Kayla I can help you but could you please be less intense?
Kayla: (still super mad) But I go-be(gotta be) intense because I like to be intense. Uuuuuugh

She can be really intense. Most of the time I want her to just chill but sometimes I laugh because she is so intense. This was one of those moments.
Kayla loves show and tell.
For a whole week she thinks about what she will bring.
It's a big deal, I mean a really big deal!
I am glad she gets to do it every week.

We are talking about taking her to Disney on Ice.
I think she is really cool.
She thinks I'm cool too.

Lets hope that lasts...


Michele said...

Hannah, i think you're cool too! you are such a great mom. love all your pictures you post. hope things are going well! miss you!

Brittany said...

She is SO pretty. Look at those eyes!