Sunday, October 30, 2011

Some Cuteness

 Kayla's Halloween parade. One day she will say "Mom, who dressed me in the fairy costume with the witch tights." My answer will be: "YOU did!!" And she sure looks cute.
 When I went through these photos on the computer, I drooled over their cuteness. I mean, the three cutest little kiddos I have ever layed eyes on. And they are mine, I get to kiss them every day. I get to see their smiles, hear their laughter and get their snuggles. Life is definitely awesome.

And as I was putting the boys to bed tonight I layed Brody down swaddled next to his brother. They both looked up and me with satisfied grins. Their eyes were sparkling. I don't know how to describe it but they were sparkly. My heart melted a little. I love these little blessings. I love them from head to toe, from body to spirit, every last bit of them. They are absolutely scrumptious. 
 And here... the reality of the chaos. I promise I am not smashing Brody's face or slapping Kayla in the face. Kayla is imitating Brody's crying and I am pretending to soothe her by patting her cheek.


Hale-O There said...

I love your posts! way to go on finishing nursing school and having 3 month old twins. You are a champ. I can't believe how much one of the boys looks lik eKayla! You are a lucky lady to have such a great family.

becky rigby said...

Oh my goodness Hannah. What beautiful little kids you have. I LOVE the picture of the three of them laying down. Do the twins have different colored eyes? That is so interesting. Simply adorable.