Thursday, November 17, 2011

Brody N McKay

 The Cutest Babies Ever....

Brody: determined. When he is placed on his belly he rolls over quickly. He can't seem to just relax, always on the move. He hold his head up really tall during tummy time too. Falling asleep in your arms, well, highly unlikely. When I hold him in hopes of putting him to sleep, he is too busy looking around and trying to run away. Yet, he is sweet beyond belief. He spends a lot of time staring at my face as if it's the most amazing thing ever. When he smiles it melts my heart. His nick names include: Broadster, Bro Bro, Lil guy, Brodeman.

McKay: Relaxed. Falling asleep in your arms, a high
probability. During tummy time he holds his head up for a while and then snuggles his little head right on his hands and falls asleep. His smile is massive and takes up his whole face. He just melts right in to you when he snuggles. On  his back he likes to run with his leg and he talks and talks. He would nurse all day if he could. His nicknames are: The Judge, McKayster, McKay Man, Mr. McKay.


Sarie said...

They are to die for! I love their different personalities! So adorable! Love the photos.

LuCDay said...

They are so cute. But I don't think they look a lot alike. McKay looks so much like Sean and Brody looks more like you. Either way they are adorable!