Sunday, November 13, 2011

First and foremost, it's Kayla's birthday! I can't believe she is five years old. Doesn't seem like that long ago I walked in to the hospital, anticipating the moment we would meet. What a great girl I have.
 There have been a number of instances that she has felt very special. Preschool: a mini personal cake, song, and all the kids drew her a picture. Cousins: showed up by surprise after church to sing happy birthday and give her some presents. Mommy and Daddy: Dad watched the boys while I took Kayla to Disney on Ice, absolutely magical. Church: sang her a song and she got a pencil and some candy. Oma and Opa: gave her some awesome presents. Mom: baked and decorated a cake till 1 AM last night. Aunt Diane: Gave her a special phone call for her birthday. Grandparents in California: gave her a special early present when they were here last month. Great grandparents in California: sent her a card with a dollar, she thinks she is the richest person on earth. There is nothing better than seeing Kayla feel special. Makes me so happy.

So now that I am a RN officially, I have been looking for a job. As the interviews have been successful and I am getting myself out there, the reality of going back to work begins to set in. I am really happy and thankful that I have the education and skills to support my family while Sean finishes school. There is a part of me however, that hurts at the thought of leaving my kiddos. They will be loved and well taken care of but I will miss them so much. No amount of optimism can mask that fact. My life has always been a little un-conventional.

The babies are looking more alike. I guess I finally believe the doctors, they are identical! I have learned that identical DNA does not mean identical babies.... they come with different personalities.

Fist pumpin'......

Look at that chin!

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