Friday, November 25, 2011

Beanies and Thankful for an old Journal entry

Look at these beanies!!! My sister in law, Lynn made these. Seriously, click on the link, she is amazing!

There are many things I am thankful for, it would take a whole lot more than the tiny window of time I have to write (McKay in one arm, Brody napping, Kayla playing at a friend's house a me fiercely typing a one-handed post!)

As I was looking through my journal the other day, I found a treasure.
September 19th, 2004: Today an amazing thing happened, too cool not to write about. Well, I went to church with Sean today. I had to leave after the first hour so he walked me out. We sat in the car and talked for a few minutes and then he went to walk back in. As I drove away he turned and waved with a smile. I don't know how or why but a really different feeling came over me. Not for any specific reason. 
I think I love him. That sounds weird to say but I realized it as I drove away today. The feeling was cool, it came from a place in my heart that has never been opened before. (excuse the cheesiness, but it's what I wrote back then!)

Finding that entry was like finding a treasured time capsule. I married a great guy. That same one that turned and waved from the church parking lot.
And 7 years later, we have three beautiful children, we are dirt poor and we still dream. Working hard toward goals that sometimes seem unattainable, we will come out conquering.


miriam said...

i wish i kept better journal entries during that time in our lives. i had a moment tonight. i better go write about it...

Diana said...

Beautiful, not cheesy. And sweet. Love watching your family grow.