Thursday, December 22, 2011

Blogging World, do you remember me?

Ideally, I would be posting some great photos of my 3 little munchkins but, alas, I am on a different computer and I have about 10 minutes before I have to leave for work.
The boys had their 4 month appointment a couple of weeks ago. They weighed in at about 13 and a half pounds each. They will be five months on the 3rd and we can't believe how fast they are growing. Laughter fills our house everyday. Gummy smiles and big round eyes are a great reward for the hard work we are putting in.
Twins are a blessing beyond measure but wow, as the cliche has it, we have our hands full!
McKay is our little snuggler. He loves nursing and would nurse all day if I let him. He is perfectly happy until you put him down, then: WATCH OUT! And boy, does he have a scream on him that will scare the pants off ya!
Brody is Mr. Independant. He loves to be on the floor looking at the tree and opposed snuggles. The minute you try and move in, he arches his back! But boy is he happy and smiley. They both laugh a lot and love to talk. Brody recently decided he does not want to nurse any more. For about a week, I would go to nurse him and he would scream. So now I am nursing McKay and pumping to feed Brody a bottle. It works and everyone is happy.
I promise to post a photo of the kids before Christmas (which is Sunday, I know!) I have some cute ones that are waiting to be loaded and edited.

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