Wednesday, December 7, 2011

This must be recorded!

Thank you Brody, for providing the very best future blackmail possible.
Two mornings ago, as I rushed to get you bathed before work, you were laying there diaperless.
Suddenly I looked over and you were peeing right in your nose and mouth. You were choking and gasping for breath. I grabbed you and turned you to the side and comforted you.
But that was the day that you, my son, almost drowned in your own pee.


Melanye said... That is hilarious!!

best mom ever said...

I almost wet my pants laughing! This is better than anything I could use to blackmail Hannah!!

Solana said...

Hahahahaha! So funny!

Ali said...

Oh Hannah! I loved this story, because I did the same thing to my child. Well, almost. I was changing his diaper and lifting his little bum up and he got a full face of his own pee. Luckily I was able to put his legs down and save him from a drowning fate. Your experience definitely takes it to the ultimate level!

I love reading about your family! We should get together sometime soon. I'm sure our little girls would get along very well.

Emily said...

That is awesome! I am glad you wrote down this story, this is a great one to go down in the books! Poor kid, but pretty funny!

The Scarths said...

oh man...blackmail indeed.