Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Back Online

So many things...

Kayla was playing with her dollhouse the other day and was pretending two girls were talking. "Don't do that sis, it's dangerous." Came the reply of the other character: "Dangerous is my middle name."

We recently moved and that left us waiting two weeks for internet. There were so many times I wanted to blog about things and I couldn't!

The twinners are 6 months old. Time is flying by. They are becoming so much fun. They roll all over the floor, laugh hysterically and they treat me like I am the greatest thing on earth.
My final verdict: twins are amazing.

I am working a lot and Sean is working hard in school. He is getting a little more used to being home alone while I am at work, and even sneaks in some studying when the babies are napping. What a great guy I married. It takes quite the man to stay with 6 month old twins and a 5 year old, amaaazing.

I feel great today.... may have something to do with the fact all 3 kids were in bed by 7:45 and I had time to blog!! woohoo.

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