Saturday, January 7, 2012

KidFest 2012

I could put a caption on each photo but I think they speak for themselves. It's a kidFest at our house every day. Guess what my great excuse for not life is completely in sane. Not just "oh my life is crazy because I only get 30 minutes to myself a day" in sane, it is more like "I can't remember if I had time to pee today" crazy.
I realized today that I find it hard to really enjoy by kids as individuals when I am taking care of the babies together, it becomes mere survival, hoping I can juggle them safely. Kayla takes a back seat, and then the babies tag team. There is nothing greater than these two squishy, loveable, bods but it is taxing, there is no way around it.

Kayla is getting so grown up and is beginning to think outside the box. After using a public restroom today, she said "Hey mom, why does the water stay up in the toilet if there is a hole in the bottom?" I stopped and looked at her in amazement. "Kayla, what a GREAT question, when we get home we will investigate that and look up some information online about the structure of a toilet." Tonight, while she was praying she said "and thank you that we could learn about science, and thank you that we could have technology." I bit my lip trying not to laugh, this girl is classic.

Brody and McKay are great little guys. They have taken a 180 turn with sleeping though. They were sleeping perfectly through the night and around the same time I started working graveyard shifts, they started partying all night. They wake about every hour or so. I am at a loss so suggestions are welcomed! They melt my heart every day. I love when Sean is home and we have one each, it's nice to get one on one time.

I have had some questions about my boys' eyes. They are different colors which, for a long time convinced me that they are not identical and the Dr.s made some mistakes about there being only one placenta. Then I did some research and learned that identical twins can have different eye color. Weird huh? Hm, who would have thought....

As tough as it is having baby twins, this is a good life. I am so blessed. When I look at what I have, I sometimes cannot understand anything I could have done to deserve this.


Carin said...

Loved the photos with the Santa hats and very cute Hannah!!! I have no sleeping suggestions as we are kind of going through the same thing. I sleep with my baby which is kind of out for you if you are working graveyard! Sorry. Everyone I know with twins (3 people personally, not including you) have the most difficult time the first year and it gets easier every year after that. Hang in there! So glad you have good people to help...... different eye color....who knew?? Congratulations!

The Scarths said...

Ahh. the photos are so darling!Working crazy hours is very hard, I dont ever have to pull graveyard, but close some nights. I hope the little ones start to figure out that night time is sleep time!
I cant wait for my little girls to ask me about why water stays in toilets and then thank God for it!!

Widdisons said...

Your kids are so dang cute!

Sandra and Brent said...

Oh goodness, what a fun few minutes I've just spent browsing your past few posts. The science of toilets, drowning in pee . . .I have the hugest smile on my face. Loved the photos. Great to catch up with you.

LCO's said...

I could eat those boys! They are filling out and so cute and chunky, I just want to squeeze them!!!