Monday, February 6, 2012


That pretty much sums up my life. Tonight when I cam home from taking Kayla to dance she was having a lovely tired five year old melt down. I walked in the door and the place looked like a tornado had passed through it. Sean was holding both twins looking like he was going to go AWOL and never return. I took McKay from him and instructed him to grab the keys and his textbooks and go take a break. He had been home all day while I was at work. Amongst the chaos. The crazy chaos. Takes quite the dad to brave that. Finally, by 9 PM silence hit the house and it became my place of zen. Evidence of kids all around the house. Cookie crumbs on the kitchen floor, baby blankets on the couch, plates on the table, and me. What a warm feeling that sweet aftermath brings. Realistically, it was a lot of work to get it close to looking normal again but I wouldn't trade it for a million dollars. I love my chaos.


Sarie said...

Love these little blurbs you do! Love this photo, ha ha ha! Kayla watching tv! Twins loving looking straight at you. They look so different to me!

Emily said...

I bet you love having your own place to call home! Hopefully we can meet up for lunch soon amongst all this chaos:)

Sandra and Brent said...

I love your attitude, Hannah. It was great to run into you at Costco the other day. It reminded me to check your blog and I'm feeling well rewarded for doing so. Love, Sandra Hale

Hale-O There said...

I can't believe how big the boys are getting and they are sooo handsome. What an adorable family you've got. I feel like if I follow Adelaide around all day picking up her trail my house is still a mess of toys, books, laundry etc. I haven't any idea how you keep up and do it so well. Lets get together soon.