Sunday, February 19, 2012

Weekend Quotes and Other Tidbits

 A few passing quotes this weekend:
"Mom, I am five years old, I can take care of myself!"

"Mom, I can totally handle a stranger danger situation. KICK KICK, SCREAM SCREAM, BITE BITE!!" (and she demonstrated the actions, awesome)

"Mom, I was totally kidding when I said I wished I didn't have any parents. I love you so much, I wish I had one hundred parents!"

"Mom, I have been thinking and I am still going to be a fairy when I grow up. I could be a like a doctor, or scientist or something, but those are boring. I am gonna be a fairy."

 Kayla's hair I did for her valentine's day party at preschool:)
Little Brody is trying to crawl! The crazy dude. He scoots around the floor and is quite the mover. McKay on the other hand would be happy forever if someone just held him his whole life. If I will hold him forever, he will reward me with endless grins, if I put him down he may reward me with his blood curdling screams. Love those boys.
The little dudes have been sick. Aweful. Fevers and all. Having a sick baby is twice as complicated with twins... we are surviving though. I am ready for the week, going in with 100%


Sandra and Brent said...

Kayla's quotes were awesome! What a little pistol! Hope the boys are feeling better.

Dawn said...

I think you're amazing! Your kids are darling!