Saturday, March 3, 2012


 Sharing time in the highchair.
 Sharing a bath.

Sharing a toy.

Sharing is always going to be a big part of their lives. From the womb to a car in highschool.... these boys are going to grow up really good at sharing!

Last night when I was doing baths, I looked at little Brody kicking and splashing his legs. And I had one of those moments when you look at your child and a little inner video reel of their life starts to roll in your head. I though about when they were first born. I remember being amazed at their perfect little bodies. I was in love with them from the beginning and it's only become better. My life is not perfect and it's a little hectic, but it's so much sweeter with my little munchkins in it.


Sandra and Brent said...

You're remarkable Hannah. Just plain remarkable. You may not have a remarkably clean house right now, and your laundry may not be in remarkable shape but you have a remarkable outlook on life and that's what's going to make a happy life for you and your family. I salute you.

LCO's said...

Wow I can't imagine how amazing two is, I love where they are sharing their little toy, so precious. I agree that the time with the second flies by :(.