Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Springtime is making life even more beautiful. We met cousins at a huge park in Salt Lake last week. Seeing Kayla with her cousins giggling, running around, rolling down glassy hills, and holding hands makes me wish Kayla has a sister around her age. Oh well, you can't have everything. And heaven knows I count my blessings every day.
The other day I went to a restaurant where Sean had called in a dinner to-go. As I got out of my car, I realized I had left my wallet at home. I had a checkbook and crossed my fingers that they took checks. I asked the lady at the checkout if they took checks and briefly told her I left my wallet at home. She asked and told me they did not take checks. A woman next to me, about my age said "let me pay for it." I looked at her surprised and said "No no, it's okay, it's 2 meals but thank you so much, you are so kind." Persistent she asked the cashier "how much is it and handed the cashier her debit card." The young mom looked at me and said "please let me do this for you. Last week I lost my wallet and someone did the same for me, I have been praying for an opportunity to help someone else the way someone helped me." Baffled, I accepted. I thanked her a number of times. This person will never know the impact she had on me. She makes me want to be a better person and seek out opportunities to help people out. I plan to pay this amazing act of kindness forward.
We all struggle in different ways. Everyone is in need of random acts of kindness. A hug, a note, a smile or a word of encouragement. May we all strive to seek these opportunities out.


Carin said...

Great story!! Can't wait to hear the pay it forward follow up!!

Hale-O There said...

thanks for sharing! I'll be looking for my opportunity;)