Thursday, March 22, 2012

Not Forgotten

I know I blog a lot about the twins but Kayla will not be forgotten. A whopping five years old, she will start Kindergarten in August.
I know I am overly nostalgic but, again, I have been thinking back to when she was just a little thing. Sean and I were looking at posts from when she was 2 and 3 and we were completely blown away. It seems so unfair that she grows so fast. I would really give anything just to turn back time and spend a few moments with her again when she was so proud of herself for walking or standing or figuring out how to use a crayon. It is so fun to see her grow in to a thinker. It's amazing to see how she is forming opinions, I mean, real opinions. Not ones about which shirt she'll wear but opinions about what is kind and what is mean. Opinions about how to solve problems. She's even got opinions about how to make people feel good about themselves. So thoughtful and observant yet stubborn and sassy.
She will forever be my first born. My baby.

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