Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Uh Oh...

We have problem...Brody is crawling. He started about 2 weeks ago and he crawls everywhere and fast! And just in the last couple of days, he has started to pull himself up onto his feet. Oh geez.
We can barely keep up with the little dude. McKay, on the other hand (and luckily) is still a little lazy (or laid back or whatever makes you feel better saying when you think a baby is lazy) He is NOT crawling thank goodness. But I really do not know what we will do when he does. I think I have mentioned this before but a lot of people ask me the question "how do you do twins?" My honest answer to that is: I have no idea, but we don't have much of a choice and we do okay.

I just took a different job. At the moment I work at a facility for troubled teens. The new job is at a hospital doing all the nursing skills I worked hard to learn in school. I love the kids at work and the people I work with and will miss them but I am really excited about the change. I am going scrubs shopping this week and buying a stethoscope (this is the part where you laugh at me for being a nerd but I am excited okay!)  

Today I signed Kayla up for Kindergarten. I know I am supposed to be sad and cry for my baby girl to go but I am not gonna lie, I am really excited for her. The girl gets bored here with her brothers all day, heavens knows she needs to go to kindergarten!!

And a little note: when you see twins in public with an order sibling and decide to dote over the twins PLEASE acknowledge the older sibling! It breaks my heart when people stop us and start asking about the twins and Kayla chimes in with "Um, I am five!" I know people are just excited to see the boys but the older sibling does get placed on the back burner.

That's all for my little random things for today. Goal for the month of May: blog more!


Laynie said...

They are getting big so fast! I'm excited for Breanna to start kindergarten too. One of these days we need to do playdate, Breanna would love playing with Kayla.

Emily said...

That is exciting you got a job!! I am so happy for you. Good luck!