Monday, May 21, 2012

Do Nothing Day

Today I didn't have to work and Sean didn't have class so he picked up a shift at the place he used to work. (I suspect he did for a free all day ticket out of the house without children, as much as he loves them...he wrestles these monkeys every day when I am at work...can't say I blame him.)
It's been great to be with the kids today. It's a little crazy though. Brody is crawling everywhere and prefers to crawl to things that he shouldn't get in to.
This morning when I put the boys down for their nap, Kayla came to me and said "Mom, can we just have a 'do nothing' day today?" I asked her what that meant. "It's where you don't clean or do anything and you just sit by me and snuggle all day, that's all"
I underestimate how much she needs me. There is no substitution. And the messy kitchen doesn't need me half as bad as my little munchkin.

1 comment:

The Scarths said...

I love the do nothing but snuggle days! There is nothing like a child to set your priorities!