Saturday, May 5, 2012

Nine Months

 Oh yeah. Nine months old. I never really complained much when I was pregnant with them, I'm just not the complaining type. But I will tell you what, that was the most painful nine months of my entire life. Carrying two full term babies makes your pelvis feel as though it may split in half at any moment (excuse the explicit details) 
But THIS nine past months has been quite different. Not quite as physically painful but it has been packed with challenges and tons of awesomeness too. Even 2 years ago I wouldn't have even fathomed the possibility of twins. Sometimes I still think it's crazy.
We started with sleepless nights and tooons of diaper changes every day. And here we are, just 3 months shy of a year and we are still alive. Sometimes it makes me sad how fast they are growing. I know it will be no time before they are suddenly grown up. My favorite time of the day is walking in the house after work and seeing my kiddos, just as excited as ever. I love how their faces light up. Like they still think I am cool all day every day....if only we could keep that going forever!

Now for a great Kayla moment:
We were sitting in the evening reading a church story. The word repent came up.
"Kayla, do you know what 'repent' means?"
"Yeah, I totally do."
"Tell me what you think it means."
"Mom YOU know, repint, like on Pinterest. It's when you repint something that you like."

She always keeps me guessing and I love it. Today she was making up songs in the car about how much she loves us. Apparently she loves me more than cotton candy, more than cake and more than money. That's pretty rad if you ask me.


The Scarths said...

pretty rad indeed!

Meghan said...

I can't believe they are 9 months! how time flies!!