Tuesday, June 12, 2012

10 & 1/2 Months

I could tell Sean needed a break last night when I got home from work. I, however was so worn out from the last 2 day shifts in a row, I could hardly walk. After a good night's sleep I woke up and told Sean he had to have a day off. I instructed him to leave and not come back until after the kids were in bed. I didn't receive a lot of resistance from him, he has reported via text messaging that he is having a fun day.
We have two ten month old babies. That still is so crazy to me! And now they are both on the move! Brody is a fast crawler (started at 8 months, by now he is a veteran) and McKay now does an army crawl across the floor and sometimes takes a few regular crawling steps. My day today consisted of floor time and lots of it! The dudes seem very content to crawl all over me, digging their little fingers in to my eye sockets, pinching my skin, and kissing my face with those adorable slobbery mouths. Kayla spent a large portion of the day painting and building bird nests outside. It was great, but it's a lot of work, make no mistake about that!
And P.S. Thanks for the photos Sarah...she took them at her house before she moved away:( Miss her!


Carin said...

They are sooooo adorable Hannah! Don't know how you do it!

becky rigby said...

I love these pictures. You're kids are so adorable. You look fantastic as well! You are such a great mom and wife.