Sunday, February 14, 2010

From Pneumonia to Valentine's....

Life has been hectic, to say the very least. I continue to try my hardest to keep my head above water in school by spending every ounce of my time studying. (of course after I have expended all the energy I seem to have on motherhood until Kayla is sleeping soundly in her bed.)
Yesterday, I took Kayla in to the Kid's Care because she has had a cough and congestion for four days and suddenly had a low grade fever. The diagnosis: pneumonia. Good news: not contagious and curable via antibiotics. Bad news: The little thing was miserable until this afternoon when the antibiotics seemed to start working.
I hate the fact that there are some things I cannot protect her from, not even at her young age. Tiny microorganisms that creep in without my knowledge or consent. It seems so unfair.

Today was Valentine's day and Kayla has to stay home from church due to her pneumonia. While Daddy was at church, Kayla and I cut out paper hearts and spread them out on the table. Kayla was so happy. She kept saying "Daddy gonna love dis, mom, He gonna love dis!" She was right, he loved it.

Naomi Louise: You have met your match! When we were younger, some of the most poignant memories were that of my younger sister, Naomi and her mischief with getting into things and spreading them everywhere. Events include, her and Gideon popping off the lid of a 5 pound bucket of wheat, spreading it all over the floor, and then Naomi squatting and peeing right in the middle of it. Another time, she disappeared from the dinner table. When we found her, she had taken the Italian dressing and dumped it all over her bed and the floor. She also spread a family sized tube of toothpaste all over the room that had the things ready for girl's camp the next day. Another time, her and Gideon took a huge Costco sized bucket of peanut butter and spread it all over one of the bedrooms, in her hair, on the beds, EVERYWHERE. The peanut butter incident happened more than once!
So Kayla has been mimicking some of these bazaar behaviors. After dinner last night, we realized that we hadn't heard a peep out of her. When Sean found her, she was under the table with a full bottle of honey mustard dressing. She had dumped half of it on to a plate, and the other half on to the floor under the table.
This evening, she got a container of vaseline and smeared it all over the sliding glass door. So I wonder if she will turn out as awesome as my sister. I would just like to think it is a sign of artistic ability. Maybe?

For my birthday, my brothers made me a pineapple upside down cake and we all met at Sarah's. We sat in a circle and everyone shared a memory of me, it made me feel special. Then we had a dance party. I think one of my favorite parts of the night was receiving a bunch of homemade birthday cards that they had taped up to the wall before I got there. They were so cute, every single one of them.

Sean likes taking photos once in a while. Here are some that he took the other day and I edited them. Since it is like pulling teeth to get him to be in pictures that I take, I thought this is a way of him being on here too. I love this guy so much. For valentine's day he wrote me an awesome card that made me cry, got me 3 musketeers mint dark chocolate, and the movie Baby Mamma. The best part about it, he stayed up and watched it with me! He even laughed (I think he liked it). I am so glad I married my best friend.


Sarie said...

I love these updates Hannah!!! Sean is quite the photographer, and so are you. And I recall pouring italian dressing in your bed when I was little... either I was the only one that did it or naomi and I both did it on separate occasions. Point is, she was way naughtier than I was, but I have a few deeds of my own to claim. Missed you Saturday. Hope Kayla is feeling better!!

miriam said...

Great post Hannah, so many events to share. I also love how you got Sean on the blog. They're good at hiding under the radar, aren't they? I wish I was that good sometimes too...

Naomi said...

HAHA!! I love your birthday cards. I am sorry we couldnt make it down to party with ya'll. I love you tons!!! Naomi

LCO's said...

Your family sounds awesome! At school can we all sit in a circle and talk about my awesomeness? That would be great thanks. Kayla is so dang cute and Logan said he had fun with his friend (except he says one stunk lol)