Sunday, August 22, 2010

How Could it be?

For some reason this has been one of the best Summers of my life. I know my Kayla better than I did before the Summer started. I know my husband better. My resting heart rate is 2o beats slower per minute because of cycling. I enjoyed life to it's fullest.
School starts day after tomorrow. I am excited to learn but each time I think of this Summer closing, I begin to feel nauseous and start to get a lump in my throat. My heart hurts thinking of leaving Kayla again. I won't be waking up to her walking in to our room with her big beautiful eyes, crazy hair, and sweet happy voice. I will be gone before she awakens. I won't be playing hide and seek with her during the day. I won't be able to hear her say "I love you" and show me the hand sign for it every 60 seconds. I will wrap my heart around her little kiss and take it with me. Nothing is as important in life. Nothing.
When all is said and done, family will be there. The relationships I seek to build and strengthen will go with me far beyond what any test score or final grade. School is important but my family; even more. Hold true little family of mine, school will soon be a memory and life will be closer to normal than it is at the moment.
Thanks for the unforgettable Summer.

1 comment:

LCO's said...

That first picture made me bust up laughing. She is a character, and welcome anytime to play with Logan!