Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mom, mom....

The setting: Mommy sitting quietly studying her head off, feeling anxious.
Kayla (running up to mommy abruptly): Mom, mom... look. LOOK!!
Kayla points at the small gap between her two front teeth.
Mom: that's cool Kayla, mommy is studying, go play okay honey
Kayla (eyes growing larger): Mooomm LOOOK.
Mom: What is it Kayla, what am I looking at?
Kayla: I losed a tooth mom, right there, I losed it. (pointing at the gap)
Mom is speechless once again.
Kayla is still convinced that the gap between her two front teeth is the result of a lost tooth.
She also thinks she is going to be a puppy when she grows up.
Mommy is going to let that sweet girl keep dreaming..... life is too short to douse that flame....


Unknown said...

Ha ha hannah that is so funny! I love Kayla she is so cute. And I love you!

miriam said...

she never fails. priceless picture. she'll laugh at it forever.