Sunday, February 6, 2011

The lime: bitter yet sweet.

Today, our baby is the size of a lime.

I find it particularly difficult to blog these days.
It means I have to apply my creative mind.
Lately, I have wondered if I have any brain at all.
I think about journaling the funny things Kayla will say.
I ponder on the beauties of motherhood, the insanity of school, the blessing of pregnancy, and the quest to do what is right.
All worth writing about.
Yet I struggle to do much but the minimum. You can often find my laying on the floor while Kayla plays hairdresser on me, me secretly dozing.
Often I want to do nothing but lay in bed.
Cooking is a task I haven't been able to tackle in a few months.
It's common for me to suddenly start throwing up while I am doing a simple daily task.
When we decided it was finally time to add more to our family, I knew pregnancy would not be a walk in the park for me by any means.
Yet, my heart is full of joy.
There is a little person growing inside me. This time, I really know the magnitude of love I will feel when I look in to those precious little eyes for the first time.
This little muffin I'm cooking is such a blessing. I love that little one even now. I daydream about it everyday.
3 months down and six to go.
Exhausted, cranky, and sick but I couldn't be happier.

1 comment:

The Walkers said...

Oh boy. We've been talking about baby number two and it freaks me right out thinking of being pregnant again. The baby part sounds fun, just not the pregnant part. Way to be positive!