Monday, May 23, 2011

27 Weeks and Daydreaming about our Twins

(Thank you to my sister, Sarah, for the photo)
Puffy face and all, it's me in all my maternal beauty.
I have to be honest, I have wanted another baby for a long time. Sean, standing as my voice of reason would continually tell me that leaving a brand new infant to go back to class would possibly be too much to bear. Yet I would push for it. I didn't care about all those details, I just wanted another baby.
Sean had agreed that we would start trying when my graduation date was before my potential due date. 
True to his word, that's what happened.
I had dreamed of the time when I would be carrying my second child.
I thought about how excited Kayla would be.
My mind would play the scene of Sean, Kayla and I at the ultrasound finding out the gender.
But for some reason, my daydream never really had me carrying two babies.
Suddenly I have a solemn respect for women who have been pregnant with multiples.
It is no easy task to roll over in bed. 
Getting up from the couch usually requires assistance.
The consequence of dropping something on the floor is almost unbearable.
I feel about full term.
I still have 11 weeks to go.
My biggest fear is preterm labor.
Yet I still remain in a state of thankfulness for this blessing. I often wonder why Heavenly Father has entrusted me with this assignment. He must have confidence in me as a mother (for some reason?) He must see the great father in Sean. Whatever the reason, it is humbling. 
I cannot wait to welcome these children in to our family. Two little boys full of energy, spunk and love. 
Until then, I must continue to grow and grow and grow for 11 more weeks!

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