Friday, July 15, 2011

Kayla's Back

As mentioned in the previous post, my sister took Kayla overnight to play with her cousins and give mommy a break. Sean picked her up after class late last night so she was asleep by the time she got home.

This morning, I was in a deep sleep when suddenly I was attacked with a huge hug around my head. Kayla was excited to see me. She went on and on about her adventures the last two days. I think my favorite is one told so beautifully by my sister, here is that story! Hilarious.

I hope she always wants to share her experiences in life with me. I fear the teenage years in some ways. I just hope she always talks to me. I hope she always knows I will listen and care. I want this open line of communication to remain. I want to know her fears, passions, likes, dislikes, dreams and ambitions. I want to know everything. Keep those little lips talking Kayla. I am here to listen.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Oh man, that girl is funny! Me and Chad are laughing so hard about it!