Saturday, July 2, 2011

Racing Day


This morning I went in to Kayla's room at 6:30 to wake her up. She was sound asleep.
"Kayla...." "Kaaayla..." No response.
"Kayla, it's RACING day!"
Quickly she popped her head up, opened her eyes wide and wore a huge smile on her face. 
She asked if she could sleep tomorrow morning because she was tired. 
Of course I said yes!

I went to see the doctor yesterday and she said it was fine for me to go as long as I spent most of the time sitting down.
Kayla raced her little heart out. She got a ribbon and a toothbrush at the end in which, as you can see, she is very proud of. 
Kayla even ran the race again so I could get some photos because I couldn't even see her during the real race, she was hidden in the mob. 

Her dad ran it with her but lost her, she was all about getting ahead of the pack and Sean didn't want to hurt the other kids by trying to stay with her. But the photos of her and daddy just make my heart happy. I think I picked a great guy:)

1 comment:

miriam said...

oh my gosh, i absolutely love it. i love that she ran the race and wanted to be in front. what a go getter!! she's your girl.