Monday, July 11, 2011

Whoa Mamma!

Holy mamma that is a lot of belly!
My mother in law looked at it today and said "I need to take a photo, I think the babies may have grown last night."
I am so glad she did because it wasn't until I looked at the photos that I believe they did grow overnight.
As the time continues to wind down, my body feels as though it may be falling apart... completely.

I just spent quite a bit of time writing out a rather whiney post and it annoyed me completely so I have deleted it and decided to stay positive.

34 weeks today.
Sean and his dad set up the crib last night which the twins will share for a while. It made me really happy. I woke up this morning and just stared at it. I imagined laying two little infants in that crib. I imagined them crying, picking them up, changing them, nursing them, and I realized my life is going to be quite chaotic.
We went through the baby clothes and sorted them in to sizes. I folded each blanket perfectly and put them in a neat little pile in the crib, all the while thinking about swaddling those boys tight like I did Kayla.
I picked a bag to pack for the hospital and put a few things in it. While doing so I thought a lot about what my fate would be at the hospital. Would I be recovering from a major surgery or will the babies be in the right position for delivery?
So many things to think about and the clock is bringing this pregnancy to an end. In only 3 weeks these babies will be ready to make their entry in to this beautiful world of ours. I absolutely cannot wait to look in to their eyes and smother them with mommy kisses. I am so excited to put them in their little carseats and bring them home. I happily anticipate seeing our little family of three become a family of five.
What a task, but my, what an adventure!


Carin said...

Hannah--you look amazing!!! Now before you dismiss that comment, you really do!! Two at one time--WOW! You can do it, now, the next three weeks, and the next year. Just know during the super, duper hard days, the Lord knew you could do it and that is why He sent them to you at one time. Even though it may seem so very, very difficult for the next little while, enjoy it, for the time will pass quickly and you will look back on this time of condensed, spiritual growth with awe and amazement at your accomplishments and the lives of your children. Make sure you have plenty of priesthood blessing to give you the spiritual and physical strength you will need :-) Love you!! We may be having our babies at the same time! (Only I will bring home just one. :-)

Dawn said...

You're doing so well Hannah! I'm excited for your little family to grow! I can't wait to see pictures of those two cute boys!

Hale-O There said...

Hannah you have a beautiful pregnant tummy! I recall having similar feelings and I was only pregnant with one baby. You are going to be terrific mom for twins and I think your boys are so lucky to have you for a mom. We can help with Kayla when they come. I'd love to have her hang out at my house.