Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Preschool from Her Point of View...

I lack a photo. And I apologize for that, but I am sure you understand.
Today, Kayla started preschool. We had an orientation and a mini class with the parents too. The kids decorated a name tag, frosted cookies to share with the parent they brought, and had a little puppet show. We saw the schedule which included the usual school activities: letters, colors, shapes, ect...
While walking out with Kayla's hand in mine I said, enthusiastically: "Kayla, what do you think of preschool?" Came the happy reply "Mom, preschool is just GREAT. There are so many friends there. I love it!" I squoze her hand a little tighter, smiled at her, and we buckled in.


Sarie said...

Awww....... Kayda!!!!!!

Alison said...

Preschool? Piece of cake for Kayla!! She is so cute!