Sunday, November 20, 2011

I am Not a Baker But....

Here's the deal:
Sean was all about a friend party for Kayla's birthday this year. Because I am thinking realistically, I was NOT all about a friend party this year. Sean's intentions were sweet and thinking of Kayla but really, it just can't happen every year. End of story.
So we decided to do a little family party. It was fabulous! The adults got to hang out and chat while Kayla and her cousins played.
And, I forgot to mention, I spent the WHOLE day Saturday making this princess cake and the ice cream cone cupcakes. That is in-between taking care of the babies too. I am not gonna lie, I am really proud of myself. When we cut the cake, I wanted to cry. I still do not consider myself a good baker. Cook, yes, I love to cook but baking.... I remain an amateur.

Christmas is coming soon but I am completely un-prepared. I want to do a service project for a family this year but I haven't had it together enough to get it going. Hopefully I can pull something together. It just doesn't seem like Christmas without helping people in need.

And guess what.... Drumroll..... I got a JOB!! My first RN job and I am really excited about it. I am working with youth which I absolutely love. I had my class time training day Friday and I start work tomorrow. It's hard to leave the munchkins but letting Sean go back to finish school is worth it. If we could get through training and to the start of school in January, we will make our schedules opposite so he will be with them while I work. And WOW we really couldn't do this without Sean's family. My mother in law and sister in law (even father in law when he is not working) are stepping in and helping like crazy. I will be forever indebted to them! You have to be really brave to take on my brood.


The Grahams said...

The cake is AMAZING!!! You did an incredible job, sister!!! So cool!!! I am so happy for you that you got a job.. if you ever need anything I am so close by... I can watch the little munchkins if you ever need me too!!! I would love it!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Katie said...

Hannah- you are officially a professional baker!! That cake is seriously awesome. Sorry we couldn't make it. Can't wait to see you guys for the family Christmas shin dig! Love ya!

miriam said...

The ice cream cupcakes look awesome!! you have graduated from amateur to professional. PLEASE!