Saturday, March 17, 2012


These kids are pretty Rad. As if we didn't have enough opinion in our house, these guys have proven to have quite the personalities. Brody has a belly laugh that would make the hardest of folks smile. McKay is still the lover of affection. He would be more than happy to be held all day every day. Brody is still determined to figure out the crawling thing. He scoots all over the floor and rocks on his hands and knees. McKay watches and I think he has decided he is going to figure things out too. He is showing a litte more interest, but I think Brody is going to crawl circles around him if he doesn't become more pro-active about the situation! Brody started giving kisses. Open mouth, slobbery and full of love. His new kiss-giving trick has brightened my life even more, and it was pretty awesome to begin with. Kayla was supposed to be in this photo shoot but she has a tummy bug and does not feel up to it. She is however, continuing to demonstrate fantastic ability as a big sister. She is nothing but sweet and kind to these boys. So lucky to have her. She is going in to Kindergarten this year! Can't believe it, seems impossible.


Sarie said...

Hannah, these photos are GORGEOUS!!!!! You did so good on capturing their faces and personalities! xo

ShaRene Knox said...

They are just so stink'in cute!!! How adorable. They are so big.

Emily said...

Look at those chubby legs! Oooh I want to pinch those cheeks! They are so dang cute. You are so blessed:)