Friday, March 9, 2012


Soon I am going to have a new neice. My brother and his wife are going to become parents in the coming week or so. It's taken my mind back to when I found out we were expecting Kayla. About 6 years ago, I was surprised when I found out that a third person would be joining our party of two. I mostly imagined a baby. A snuggly, precious little baby that I could snuggle and snuggle all day. That's what I got, a snuggly perfect little girl. I held her for the entire first six months of life. All day, every day, didn't get a whole lot of other things done. Now that she is going to be in Kindergarten this year, do I regret my decision to forsake all other responsibilities for 6 months to hold that little girl? No. Not even for a second. She has become an independant thinker. She is smart and amazing. She wows us with her kindness. She is a girl that truly cares about others. At that moment, when I found out she would be joining our family, I could not have imagined the girl she is today. It happens faster than anyone could fathom. And now I am seeing it again with my boys. The time seems to be screaming by when all I want to do is continually freeze these beautiful moments of parenthood. Moments that quickly become memories.


Hale-O There said...

I feel the same way. Weening adelaide has meant a lot more then a different way of feeding her, its been accepting her as more independent and a toddler. Happy and sad at the same time. Time flies by too fast. I love your posts and loved seeing you last wk!

Melanie Arkoudas said...

It was so good to meet you! Thanks for chatting during church on Sunday. I love your spirit and hope to see you again soon and hope to keep in touch.
Melanie Arkoudas

Melanie Arkoudas said...

our blog is