Monday, September 3, 2012

Because it's Kindergarten Eve

 The string to the blinds is the tastiest thing in the house apparently. Don't worry, it's supervised tasting of the blind string only!!

 Brody touches everything with his index finger before eating it. We call it his antenna... discovering the world through a single index finger...
 McKay has been having some emotional issues with meal times lately. He becomes suddenly offended when he tastes something he doesn't approve of. Basically, anything that isn't a graham cracker or cheerios...geez.

 Black beans and strawberries...yes please.

 I couldn't resist posting all these of Brody. Those eyes light up my universe.

Since it's Kindergarten eve, I thought I should post these shots of the boys I have been meaning to post. Next post is going to be all about the Kindergarten kiddo!

Lately McKay has been a little snuggler. He loves laying his head on Sean or I and we just love it. He is a happy funny kid. He will crawl away fast and laugh hysterically, knowing he is being chased. Sometimes he tackles his unsuspecting brother, that usually ends emotionally for both parties involved. He loves Baby Signing Time. I start to sing the song from the movie and he gets a face-wide grin, crawls over to the TV, stands up and starts bouncing up and down waiting for the TV to magically turn on with Baby Signing Time. When he cries, his face is so sad. He puts his bottom lip out, big frown, and crocodile tears. Gets us every time. He likes to roll around on the couch cushions, which his sister so kindly volunteers to take off the couch approximately 7 times a day (insert annoyed sigh here). Him and his squishy personality, I could eat him for breakfast.

We have been calling Brody the "Little Prince" lately. I know we need to stop doing that, might cause him to have life long issues and never be able to function as an adult because his parents are so horrible...but... I am admitting that now. Later when you read this Brody, know that we called you that because we love every bit of your funny personality, never change! Brody discovers everything with his index finger. Food, noses, mouths, toys, eyeballs, everything. After he examines the food or item with his finger and decides he is interested in it he will go all the fistful. He lets out random screams, usually in public places like restaurants or the grocery store where everyone can turn and stare at our 5 person circus. Most people think the kids are adorable and smile but some people look at us disgusted. Oh well. A while back I went to grab Brody because he was headed to climb up the stairs. As I ran to him, I tripped on a toy and fell hard on the tile. I layed there hurt and did the whole "owe" thing (okay I cried, alright). Brody started crying and screaming and came crawling to me. He got in my lap and snuggled me (uncommon for him). He was comforting me. It was so cute, he is our little sensative guy and we love every ounce of his adorable personality.

these boys are about to walk. They are cruising and even taking a few steps without holding on. Life is about to get even more fast paced!

*Note: Brody is the one with blue eyes and McKay is the one with brown eyes.


Carin said...

I LOVE watching your boys grow!! And Kayla of course....! Thanks for posting even amidst your busy Momma life!! :-) Have a very happy kindergarten day!

miriam said...

I love the note at the end clarifying which twin was which:) and I love the heart around Brodie's mouth. He must 'love' the food.