Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Nightmare?

Kayla came in to our bed many times last night.
This morning, she told me she had a nightmare.
When asked what her dream was about, she told me:
"I had a dream about you mom. Your face was scary and you had spiders in your mouth"
Ugh, disgusting, I thought.
I assured her it was only a dream and so on...
Later that morning she picked up her little stuffed toy Grover and said
"Mom, this is what you looked like in my dream, so scary"
Okay well, my interpretation of her dream was apparently a lot more morbid than the dream itself.
I mean, grover? Loveable furry old grover?
I can deal with that.

1 comment:

Hale-O There said...

that's funny! I was also imagining something a lot worse about halfway through with your post. I'd take Grover over a spider monster.