Thursday, December 2, 2010

I have a problem.
When I have so much to study that I feel buried,
I don't know where to start.
I resist.
I fight it.
I gravitate toward other things.
I look at the binders and books on the shelf, calling me.
I continue to resist.
My mind can't stop thinking about the volume of information I am responsible for.
I hate them.
A lot.


Carin said...

It's OK Hannah.....this too shall pass. It will only take a couple of weeks and then it will be over....for about four months. But I do promise that the day will eventually come when you will not have to face those finals. Until then, just know that our prayers are with you and we know you can do it!! Best of luck!!!!

Erica said...

Your almost there! You can do it!! :)

Danielle and Ryan said...

Amen Sister Amen!

The Grahams said...

But WE"RE DONE!!!! Yea!!!

Emily said...

Amen! Thank goodness we made it through that!

Shreya Shankar said...

That's cool, Hannah...Really interesting...!!