Saturday, December 11, 2010

Why I love it...

Photo jobs are hard work. The hardest work comes after I have taken the photos. Deciding which shots to edit, editing, going back and re-editing the ones that I notice after I'm done. Hours of work. Literally.

As I sat this evening, working on some photos, I suddenly realized why I love it so much.
What an splendid opportunity it is to be a part of these tiny, seemingly insignificant moments. If not the photographer, I would not have been a part of it.
What a privilege.

Click here to see some of my latest photos.


The Tani Family said...

Thanks for all you do! I LOVE looking at your pictures!

The Grahams said...

and YOU ARE AMAZING at what you do!! I love my pictures so much. You are incredible.

Hale-O There said...

you are the one for the job! You have some great work.