Sunday, January 16, 2011

Most of the time I love him to bits.
Once in a while, I am tempted to sell him to gypsies.
He is the person that has made my schooling possible.
This guy stays home with Kayla while I am at school and then he goes to class at night.
He loves me.
He loves Kayla.
I had no idea what I was getting in to when I married him over 5 years ago.
I could never have fathomed the great man he would really turn out to be.
I love him. A lot.

1 comment:

Hale-O There said...

Isn't half of marriage a roll of the dice, or based on a lot of faith in a person?! I am so glad Sean is a good husband and father. He is equally as lucky to have you! This is a really sweet post. I hope your pregnancy is going well!