Saturday, January 22, 2011

Truth or a Lie

Lately, I have been teaching Kayla about the difference between a truth and a lie.
We have talked about the fact that you are always in more trouble for a lie than if you were to just fess up with the truth.
Yesterday evening, after I had picked up the living room, I spotted the Jenga blocks dumped on to the floor.
'Kayla!' I said, 'Who dumped these blocks on the floor.'
'um, it was NOT me mom.'
'Really, who was it?'
'It was the Christmas tree. I waved my wand like this at the tree and it walked over and dumped out the blocks.'
'Kayla, are you telling me the truth or are you telling me a lie?' (trying to hold in my giggles)
Sheepishly: 'a lie.'
She then spilt the truth, which was far less interesting than the naughty Christmas tree.
She picked them up and was not in trouble because she told the truth in the end.


Dawn said...

What a funny girl! I like the Christmas tree story better too :)

Unknown said...

Ha ha ha. Hannah you are such a good mom! That is my lying ability in a nutshell to this day. I can't lie worth beans.

Hale-O There said...

Oh how loved this post! She is such a funny kid!