Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gifts for Breakfast

Kayla and her daddy have been very good to mommy.
Kayla wakes up in the morning and comes in with a request for daddy to turn on the TV.
Request granted.
She then watches TV and plays quietly for at least an hour.
When she gets hungry for breakfast, she either goes upstairs to investigate if her Oma or Opa are up and eating or she comes in and requests daddy come and have breakfast with her.
Lately, Kayla has an obsession with gift giving.
She loves to put things in gift bags and tissue and give them to anyone who will receive.
She smiles gleefully at surprise and delight painted on the faces of recipients.
This morning, after her normal routine of TV time and letting mommy sleep, she came in the room with some gifts for me. Among them were, ponies, hair ties, books, and other various objects.
I opened them with big eyes and exclaimed "Kayla, this is what I have always wanted!"
Kayla would give me a kiss on the forehead after I looked at every gift.
This girl. She came to me straight from Heaven.

Today, I received an email from some development website and it stated 7 different ways your child shows they love you.
One of the ways listed was gift giving.
I hope she knows how much I love her too.


Sarie said...

I love Kayla! I miss her a lot..... Come see me! :)

Hale-O There said...

Hannah I'm peeing my pants... well I truly could be being so pregnant and all, but Scott just told me some news?! Please post bc I'm anxious to hear from you!