Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Finally Winding Down

The semester is finally winding down. One more day of clinicals and a few more days of class!
This semester has been far from uneventful! I came back to school in January and told my classmates I was 7 weeks pregnant! Everyone was excited and school went on.
Kayla acted up for a while when she realized she had to give me up again to go back to school. She soon adjusted.
Sean has managed to knock out 5 classes that go directly to graduation. These classes included a LOT of papers!
In February, I went to see my grandmother who suffered a stroke.
When I got home and saw my midwife at 15 weeks, I found out I am having twins.
Life changed abruptly.
Suddenly I couldn't study, focus, or think about anything else.
Life adjusted back to a level of normalcy and I have managed to pass tests and classes.
A few weeks later, my grandmother passed away. But not before she cried over the news of her twin great grand babies. I will miss Grandma Dotti.
I am starting my precepting early (kind of like an internship) so I won't keel over and die lugging around 2 babies at 35 weeks and trying to pull 12 hours shifts. This way I will be done with precepting by 25 or 26 weeks! Thanks to the amazing administration that runs my nursing program.
Though I may feel I spent a large portion of this semester in a daze, I have been blessed. Many tests I passed, it was by divine intervention. I spent many mornings before class throwing up but miraculously made it through the day.
Someone has strengthened me.
God is good. Really, really good.


The Walkers said...

God really is good. Isn't it amazing how we look back on certain periods of our life and think, "How did I ever survive that?" It's a good thing there is a divine being helping us out. Hannah, you are so incredible. I love reading your posts because you express yourself so well. Good luck with everything. Kayla, Sean, and the twins are lucky to have you.

Solana said...

So glad you're making it through Hannah! You're such an inspiration!