Friday, March 4, 2011


Today was good.
In a simple sort of way.
It seemed like Spring. We took a walk, just the three of us.
Sean, Kayla, mommy, and the dog.
Kayla ran about a mile.
Her jacket flapped furiously back and forth and her skinny little legs covered by her slim fit jeans were so intense and determined to run as fast as the dog.
We threw rocks.
We got mud on our shoes.
We had good conversation.
The thought came to my mind: These are the moments that really count.
We continue to pray that we can be financially stable before these babies come but really my heart should be pouring out with gratitude in prayer. Every second I should ponder on the love that is in my life. These moments together will be here and gone so quickly. Soon Kayla will grow up and I will long for the days when Sean and I walk side by side and watch our little girl race the dog down an empty dirt road.
If only I could freeze time.

1 comment:

Hale-O There said...

I LOVE this post. I am really happy for you and sean. Financially prepared or not, you are both great people, fabulous parents and your twins are so lucky to be entering into a family with a lot of love to offer and great things to teach.